
#filesfromthisbuildintoDIST_DIR.#listofallgoalsthatdependonanydistfiles._all_dist_goals:=.,#Rungotooldisttoinstallacommand.#The-vcausesdisttoprintthenameofeachdirectoryasitruns.#The- ...,2023年8月7日—I'vedescribedthe`dist`commandlineargumentasamodifier,asit'snotreallyatargetitself.Ingeneral,it'schangingthebehaviorof ...,2022年10月25日—1.制作升级包.1.1编译源码.sourcebuild/ - platformbuild

# files from this build into DIST_DIR. # list of all goals that depend on any dist files. _all_dist_goals :=.

srcMake.dist - platformprebuiltsgowindows

# Run go tool dist to install a command. # The -v causes dist to print the name of each directory as it runs. # The - ...

how the dist target is built?

2023年8月7日 — I've described the `dist` command line argument as a modifier, as it's not really a target itself. In general, it's changing the behavior of ...

Android OTA 升级包制作

2022年10月25日 — 1. 制作升级包. 1.1 编译源码. source build/ && lunch deviceModel-userdebug mkdir dist_output make dist DIST_DIR=dist_output.


对于搭载动态分区支持的设备,请勿使用用户空间fastboot 来刷写出厂映像,因为启动到用户空间比其他刷写方法慢。 为了解决此问题, make dist 现在会构建一个额外的 super.

Sign builds for release

2023年11月8日 — The Android tree includes test-keys under build/target/product/security . Building an Android OS image using make will sign all .apk files using ...

Build OTA packages

2023年8月23日 — make dist builds a full OTA package (in $OUT ). The resultant .zip file contains everything needed to construct OTA packages for the tardis ...

Building Android

2023年7月28日 — The tapas command configures the build of unbundled apps. It selects individual apps to be built by the Android build system. Unlike lunch , ...

Implement dynamic partitions

2023年8月23日 — For retrofit devices, make dist builds a set of super_*.img images that can be flashed directly to corresponding physical partitions. For ...

理解Android Build 系统

2020年12月3日 — 执行Build,并将MAKECMDGOALS 变量定义的输出文件拷贝到/out/dist 目录。 make all, 编译所有内容,不管当前产品的定义中是否会包含。 make help, 帮助 ...

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體
